Looking for a B2B agency? You have come to the right place

We are an award winning b2b agency and will help you do:

Digital B2B Strategy

Inbound Marketing

Message Frameworks

Account Based Marketing

Content Marketing

Automated Customer Acquisition

Marketing Automation


Creative Campaigns

About b2b.agency

A creative B2B agency that generates response & sales

At b2b.agency we know how to make key decision makers react on your campaigns. Key insight, relevance and industry knowledge is transformed into creative and involving campagns and messages. Complex products and hard-to-reach audiences? Not a problem. We have won several awards for our B2B campaigns, Inbound Marketing, Nuture programs, interactive content marketing and Account Based Marketing. All of which has created great results for clients in terms of hot leads, great opportunities and more sales.

Account Based Marketing

Make sure to pick a real B2B agency if you want great Account Based Marketing. b2b.agency develops Account Based Marketing campaigns and programs that drives engagement and nurture selected accounts and accelerate the sales process. We combine data, behaviour and the Buyer 2.0 sales proces with Account Based Advertising and Marketing Automation to reach key decision makers with precision and impact. The results are greater response and a higher win rate at a lower cost.


Canon Denmark is a new client

b2b.agency has been chosen by Canon Denmark to develop Inbound Marketing and Account Based Marketing programs as well as a new messaging framework

Entrust Datacard is a new client

The US-based Cyber Security company Entrust Datacard is a new client. We are looking forward to developing high performing Inbound Marketing campaigns for the European market.

Secomea is a new client

Secomea – a leading provider of IIOT solutions for automation and machine industry – has chosen b2b.agency as their Inbound Marketing agency.

b2b.agency becomes Microsoft Partner Agency

Microsoft has chosen b2b.agency as one of their partner agencies. The purpose is to provide marketing services  and campaign development for Microsoft channel partners.


Need a B2B agency? Contact us

b2b.agency ApS
Sankt Petri Passage 5
1165 København K

Tlf: (+45) 2249-2089

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